Financial Planning During a Pandemic, Explored by Darcy Bergen

Darcy Bergen

June 1, 2020

The Downtime from the Pandemic Can Be Used to Explore Life Insurance Policies

The uptick in social media posts has shown that many people are bored. Netflix, Hulu, and other TV streaming sites have seen more activity as well. Investor and life insurance agent Darcy Bergen has recommended that people use their downtime to do some financial planning.

According to Darcy Bergen, many people have no idea that life insurance can be used for financial planning. However, it is used to not only plan for the unexpected but also to provide secondary income during the retirement years.

Darcy Bergen explains that there are multiple forms of life insurance. Most people are familiar with term life as it is the most affordable. That form of life insurance can be effective to plan for accidents that may happen. A person may consider a term life policy if they are financially stable but want the added protection until they retire. Darcy Bergen recommends, for example, that a person who is 50 may choose a 15-year life insurance term policy to protect their family until they reach 65. At that point, pension and other items would be available in the event of his death.

Darcy Bergen suggests that life insurance be one of the first things a person explores for financial planning. It can be used to provide more financial assurance to family members. If someone were to pass, the family would be without that person’s income. As such, a life insurance death benefit can be used to cover everything from burial expenses to paying off a mortgage.

The time that it takes to do some financial planning is not considerable. However, Darcy Bergen suggests that people use the downtime during the pandemic and social distancing to start a phone or virtual conversation with a life insurance agent. It will give people the opportunity to learn about the various options, ask questions, and seek quotes for coverage. It can be the first step to advanced financial planning so that more families across the globe have the savings in place that is necessary to not only survive but thrive.

More About Darcy Bergen

Darcy Bergen is an independent agent who has done a significant amount of traveling over the years. As a financial planner, he has worked to provide retirement classes at local colleges, offered Social Security planning, and more. Darcy Bergen has also been named as one of the top 20 financial professionals in sales with Midland National Life Insurance Company® for several years in a row, dating back to 2013.