
October 24, 2019

Are You the Surviving Spouse? Darcy Bergen Offers an Overview of Social Security Benefits

According to Darcy Bergen, who has been a financial planner for over two decades, Social Security benefits always bring some confusion in his clients. For those approaching retirement age who have recently lost a spouse, the confusion and uncertainty can be even greater. Even though every month, 59 million people receive Social Security Benefits, there […]

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October 23, 2019

Darcy Bergen Talks About Ways to Use Life Insurance to Fund Retirement

Financial planner, Darcy Bergen has over 20 years of experience helping clients plan for retirement. As the owner of Bergen Financial Group, Darcy Bergen has encountered several clients who are seriously concerned they haven’t saved enough money for retirement. Other people wonder how their life insurance policy can help them in retirement once their children are […]

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October 10, 2019

Questions to Ask Yourself If You’re Thinking About Retirement According to Darcy Bergen

As the owner of Bergen Financial Group, Darcy Bergen has been helping his clients with retirement planning strategies for many years. Because he knows not everyone is ready for retirement, he is sharing some questions everyone should ask themselves to prepare for retirement. Will I Have Other Sources of Income During Retirement? If you’re approaching retirement age, […]

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October 8, 2019

Darcy Bergen Discusses The IRA Rules Everyone Should Know About in 2019

As the owner of the Bergen Financial Group, Darcy Bergen has over 20 years of experience helping clients in various aspects of financial planning. Although many people don’t want to think about retirement in their 20s and 30s and don’t have a clue what an IRA is, Darcy Bergen advises people in all stages of life to […]

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October 1, 2019

Financial Advisor Darcy Bergen Explains How to Prepare for Retirement with an IRA

Don’t put saving for retirement on the back burner, warns Peoria, Arizona financial advisor Darcy Bergen. Whether you are just entering the workforce, in mid-career, or approaching retirement age, it is important to begin planning for retirement now, says Darcy Bergen, who has more than two decades of experience in financial planning. An Individual Retirement Account, […]

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September 27, 2019

Darcy Bergen Explains the Benefits of Life Insurance into Retirement

Financial planner, Darcy Bergen, recommends five reasons to keep your life insurance policy after retirement. When retirement is approaching, many people wonder if they still need life insurance. It’s likely that the children are grown and the mortgage is mostly, if not fully paid off. Perhaps there is also a nice lump sum of savings […]

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September 25, 2019

Born in 1953 or Earlier and Retiring? Darcy Bergen Tells How You and Your Spouse Can Profit from a Social Security Law Ending This Year

If you were born before 1954, a little-known Social Security law could earn you and your spouse thousands of extra dollars in retirement. But according to financial planner Darcy Bergen of Peoria, Arizona, you must act soon, or you could miss the chance to benefit from this strategy. Darcy Bergen is a fiduciary who has two decades of […]

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September 6, 2019

Darcy Bergen Gives 6 Tips to Teach Kids Financial Responsibility

Parents are constantly working hard to make sure their child has everything they need before they move out or go off to college on their own. Countless hours are spent on studying and homework, playing sports, and learning lifelong lessons. While managing money is one of the most important aspects of our adult lives, many […]

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September 4, 2019

Financial Advisor, Darcy Bergen, Shares Social Security Options for Couples

Darcy Bergen explains how proper planning can help married couples make the most of their Social Security benefits. Most people start saving for retirement at a reasonably young age and count on the benefits promised through Social Security. However, there are many different ways to claim those benefits. Using the wrong claiming strategy can cost […]

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August 29, 2019

Social Security Benefits Are Confusing, Darcy Bergen Explains the Ins and Outs

The Social Security benefits act was established in 1935. Back then a lump sum was allocated to recipients until the law was changed in 1940. A lot of things have changed over the last 84 years, and many individuals are not as up to date on the basics of Social Security as they might need […]

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